Additions Sampler #1.sea 69833 No Description Available AdTech OnLine 11/23/92.sit 7744 AdTech Online the DTPing electronic newsletter AdTechOnLine 12/1.sit 5652 AdTech Online the DTPing electronic newsletter BitFont 1.0.1.sea 53835 No Description Available Bob 1.0.cpt 23164 Quark XPress XTension Calibration 3.1 XT.cpt 235287 Quark XPress XTension calibrates your output device CheckList.cpt 92026 CHECKLIST FOR DTPers Chris' Photoshop Filters.cpt 4142 Shareware photoshop filters ClikÕX 1.0.cpt 9684 Quark XPress XTension Clip ÕnÕ Save.cpt 53562 Clip 'n' Save creates dotted or coupon rules or borders to your specifcations. It writes Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files that can be placed directly in your publishing software or opened for further editing in your drawing software. CoolBlendsXT.cpt 51926 Quark XPress XTension creates sharp looking color blends and adds new functionality to the colors palette CursorPosª XT.cpt 11364 Quark XPress XTension Default Settings 1.3.8.cpt 23625 Quark XPress XTension that controls the defult settings DesignerDraw 4.4.1.cpt 70994 DesignerDraw 4.4.1 is a great drawing program for creating custom structure, flow, organizational and data flow charts. This is easily of commercial value & well worth the download. Diskette label template.sea 28353 No Description Available DocStampªXT 1.01.cpt 8421 Quark XPress XTension that displays file information on the printed page DTP Tips.txt.cpt 3693 Helpful desktop publishing tips in TEXT format. DW Hinted Recycle Logos.sea 47527 No Description Available EPS Bleeder 1.3.cpt 25537 If you need to print an EPS file created with QuarkXPress 3.11, Adobe Illustrator 3.0.1, Adobe Illustrator 3.2, FreeHand 3.1 or Adobe PhotoShop 2.0.1 through Aldus PrePrint or Aldus PressWise, but still keep your bleeds, then this is your program. EPSFilter 2.0b8 Docs.sea 55147 No Description Available EPSFilter 2.0b8.sea 86324 No Description Available Exp_30.sit 59820 Expression is a filter for Photoshop or Premiere that makes colorful pictures and animations based on mathematical expressions FaxFacts 1-15 Text.cpt 18683 FAXFacts 1-15, interesting reading fcsAngles XT.sea 17620 No Description Available fcsTableMaker XT.cpt 31845 Quark XPress XTension FIM_A.sea 14505 No Description Available FrameMakerDemo.cpt 306997 demo verion of FrameMaker desktop publication software FreeLancer1.1.cpt 61112 For those who do freelance graphic work out of their home.